When Michael was diagnosed with Oesophageal Cancer last year there were many many offers of support and help from so many people he didn't even know. Hearing from survivors was a real boost at a very difficult time. It's now a real honour for Michael to try to offer the same assurances to those recently diagnosed or undergoing treatment. The latest news from Hugh is that all is going well and he is back on the golf course.
"My wife Marion and I came to Australia to live only 2 1/2 years ago so the name Michael Milton was one that we did not know until one or two Aussie friends mentioned you to us when my own cancer was diagnosed.
I was extremely flattered that you should have honoured me, a stranger and a POM, with such a gift. Believe me, your superb photo and the story of your fight was, and is, an inspiration to me.
Marion and I sat down to watch "Australian Story" when it featured you, your amazing achievements, your fight with cancer and your life, so very honestly. I have kept it on disc and will enjoy sitting down to watch it again in a couple of weeks time when our two sons and five grandchildren are here to stay with us. I know they will be equally enthralled.
Michael, I wish you every success in completing your battle by qualifying for the Paralympic Cycling Team. I shall watch and listen with great interest.
Again many, many thanks for your photograph which now hangs on the wall close to where I am sitting at my computer."