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Technical Aid to the Disabled (ACT)

Technical Aid to the Disabled ACT (TADACT) is a not for profit organisation which specialises in creating or modifying equipment for people with a disability, and the elderly.

TADACT aims to improve the quality of life for people with a disability and those caring for them by making innovative equipment, which is otherwise unavailable. The equipment is made or modified by our valued volunteers who donate their time and skill to providing innovative solutions to problems.

Michael Milton became an Ambassador for TADACT early in 2011.

"My dad and I spent a lot of time designing and building special equipment that would allow me to do things like go wind surfing and play rollerblade hockey. A couple of years ago I went back to the drawing board to adapt some crutches so I could walk Kokoda.

"The thing is... no two people's disabilities are the same and you can't just buy adaptive equipment off the shelf at your local department store. TADACT is basically a bunch of handymen and women who make things that solve other people's problems. More often than not, they're one-offs. More often than not, they're life-changing.

"That's why I decided to become a TADACT Ambassador. What they do is important. What they do is life-changing."

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